Here we have a photo of Cherie using her newly acquired MAC X HELLO KITTY Collection makeup. I made this for her to use as a default picture for her facebook account and also for whatever she may want to use it for. Hope you guys like how it turned out.
As many of us may know that fonts are an important part of designing a product. However, sometimes we run into the problem of not finding a specific font that matches the style or theme that we're going for well...... WORRY NO MORE! FONTSTRUCT is here to the rescue!!
I was really debating over buying fonts over at Thinkdust, but the prices just seemed a little too steep for me. So I tried to find an alternative to this dilemma of mine and ran into FONTSTRUCT.
FONTSTRUCT is basically an online tool/community that somebody can use to create geometrically shaped fonts quickly and easily using their font editor "Fontstructor." You could also check out all the fonts that other people created and even download them.........FOR FREE!! So for all of you font-philes out there this is definitely a site to check out.
Remember that one Mims music video entitled "Move."(If You Wanna) Well I sure don't haha... But I did stumble upon the music video a while ago and I found the last 3rd of the video very fascinating. The break dancers and the artist are manipulated in a way that I've never seen before on video. So I decided to do some investigation and here's what I found out about this really cool effect.
Kind of creepy but yeah at least this dude gives us a mini tutorial on how to reproduce the effect on Final Cut Pro. So to all of you Final Cut Pro users out there.. have fun with this.
So I had some free time on my hands last week and decided to support my friend Cherie by designing her blogger's layout for her. Luckily I wasn't suffering from this thing that's been going around called designer's block so I managed to get it done pretty quick. This design was inspired by a lot of things, but two things that really did inspire me were the Beats By Dr. Dre Tour earphone box that's sitting on my table and also that MAC X Hello Kitty box that Cherie posted on her blog. If you have some time to burn check out Cherie's blog ( if you want to see the layout I designed for her and also if you're really into makeup I think her blog might be something you want to bookmark.
So I've been brainstorming all day in my head on how to redesign the CV Creations business card and this is all I can come up with so far... The backside of the card haha... pretty sad. But yeah I've been having the worst case of designer's block lately. Usually these ideas just flow out of my hands and finish themselves before I know it, but that's not the case today. Let's hope I can come up with something by tomorrow.
I'll be totally honest with you guys. I'm not a real graphic designer or web page designer, its just something I picked up along the way. You can say I'm a fan of things that look kool and why the they look as cool as they do. I got into it because sometimes you can't find what you really want to see so I just decided to take things into my own hands and make them myself. Thus, the pages name Apollo Style which is my style... whatever I want to see. I'll be posting artwork that inspires me and also some of the work that I've produced inspired by them. I'll also be posting really random things as well so yeah...feel free to keep checking back.